Tuesday 4 September 2018

Extend The Life Of Your Uniform With These Cleaning Tips

The importance of wearing a uniform cannot be overemphasized. But wearing uniforms on a daily basis can lead to its wear and tear. In order to maintain a uniform at its best, it is important to take care of it in a proper way. You can maintain a uniform and make it last longer keeping the freshness, strength, color, and crispness of it through frequent cleaning. With passing time and regular use of uniform, it tends to grow weak with time. Also, it acquires grime and certain harmful organisms which becomes stubborn as they refuse to leave the cloth used in the uniform no matter how strong detergent you use to cleaning the uniform. While some studies show that you can launder your uniform properly so that they last longer and retain to its original shine and color. Following are some of the tested steps by School Uniforms Australia that will help you maintain your uniform at its best:- 

  • One of the most basic steps to clean your uniform is to put your uniform in cold water and rinse it. This will help you eliminate the dirt, stains, grime, or debris to circulate through the process of washing.
  • Another one of the most important steps is to deodorizing the uniform. Often uniform acquires work specific odour. To eliminate this you can add ¼ - ½ cup of vinegar to deodorize it without damaging it.
  • You can now wash your uniform either in warm or hot water as per the instructions on your uniform. While washing weakens the organisms, the soaps and detergents remove the debris and grime on it. Washing your uniforms in hot water eliminates the stains and bacteria. This will help you ensures that the organisms like Staphylococcus aureus are duly killed.
  • To dry the uniform it is best to tumble dry it for at least 30 minutes. Tumble-drying eliminates the bacteria and other microorganisms on them. While ironing the uniform helps eliminate the wrinkles and crumples it also helps in killing the pathogens that lie in the scrubs. Ironing is one of the most effective ways that helps get rid of the harmful bacteria from the uniform.   

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